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Saturday, 1 November 2008

Saving Space/Backing up on OS X

I am currently running Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, Which Snow Leopard is set to replace with a smaller more efficient code base. Until it is released I found a few folders that can be occasionally delted. This has all been triggered by me trying to figure out what I need to save/archive on my macbook so that I could restore it if it all went wrong.

All these commands/paths are from the terminal (dont type the $). it can be found in /Applications/Utilities/

$cd ~/Library/Caches
$du -h -s

du is a program to report disk usage. It reports my cache as 1.2GB.
This is just a Temporary storage for programs and should be safe to delete its contents
$rm -r ~/Library/Caches/*

I also use the online printers photobox, their uploading software seems to have left another massive cache else where.

$cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Photobox
$du -h -s

du reports 386MB an exact copy of what I uploaded from from the same disk, what a rubbish program! Lets get rid of that as well
$rm -r ~/Library/Application\ Support/Photobox/*

NB: Just noticed this folder as well
$cd ~/Library/iTunes/iPod\ Software\ Updates/
$du -h -s

This reports an extra 1.1G of downloaded software updates. no need to back these up/keep them.
$rm -r ~/Library/iTunes/iPod\ Software\ Updates/

Summary: these folders are not needed and just take up space
$rm -r ~/Library/Caches/*
$rm -r ~/Library/Application\ Support/Photobox/*
$rm -r ~/Library/iTunes/iPod\ Software\ Updates/

For me they took a 2.5GB Library folder down to 152MB!

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